My Story

My name is TerryAnn Porter. I am a daughter, wife, mother, step-mother, grandmother, and so much more.

Marrying at 18, I found myself divorced 6 years later mothering 2 beautiful girls,  A few years later I remarried and on the day before my 11th anniversary, was suddenly a widow. Right now my husband, Reed, and I are in our 21st year of marriage. My beautiful daughters are now married with children of their own, allowing me to experience the joy of being a grandmother.

I claim no big testimony. I live a simple life and often wonder how God can use someone who loves yarn crafts and teddy bears in His service.

Then the verse in Matthew stood out about seeking Him ‘like a little child’. To me, this meant to look for His love, mercies, and grace in the simple things.

Suffering chronic back pain, I left the corporate workplace. Becoming medically addicted to opioid medications, I determined I would live without them and began the difficult road of withdrawals.  (Watch this presentation about this journey on my youtube channel – )

It was during this time I noticed many of my journal entries had a theme. With a little editing I created and published two books on Amazon as part of a Knit and Crochet Bible Study series. (learn more at _

Physically challenged to help others, I sought to use my strength of listening and caring to help others find their self-worth with a coaching presence. It is in this experience I have learned the most about my life – about who, and whose, I am.

God can still use me to His glory by walking through life alongside others. “The blessing of helping others to find themselves helps me cope with the pain, helps to fight off the depression that often accompanies chronic conditions, and keeps me focused on Christ.

I am a Speaker and a Certified Professional Life Coach. I seek to help women from all walks of life move forward from where they are now, to where she and God desire her to be.  (learn more at and at )

It is time to defeat the LIES of negative self-talk by looking with a new PERSPECTIVE revealing POSSIBILITIES and opening PATHWAYS onto which you can CHOOSE to PROCEED in TRUTH.

Favorite Verses and phrases

God speaks through His Word. There are so many promises, lessons, and assurances.  These are a few of my favorites.

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,

Gal 3:26 NIV

I will be a Father to you,
    and you will be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.

2 Cor 6:18

“Whenever you are anxious, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown.


My Father is the King of King

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